Name: Liberty Farms
Location: North Liberty, IN
BAF Property Since: 2019
Description: Liberty Farms includes approximately 131 acres of farmland in close proximity to the BAF cattle operation in Sawyer, MI. This farm provides fantastic pasture land for our cattle throughout the summer and fall. This year we interseeded legumes into the existing pastures to increase yield along with adding to sustainability due to lowering supplemental nitrogen fertilizer requirements.

Name: La Porte Farms
Location: La Porte, IN
BAF Property Since: 2023
Description: La Porte Farms is roughly 47 acres and provides shelter for our Michigan cattle during the winter months and also serves as the MI-IN bull development center. La Porte Farms is an old Dairy Farm the team is currently renovating to better suit our angus operations. We're excited to be actively working with former owner, Mike Berby, to update the facilities.

Name: Brumfield Farms
Location: Sawyer, MI
BAF Property Since: 1999
Description: Brumfield Farms is a 160 acre cattle farm in SW MI. It is the Midwestern hub for the champion BAF cattle operation and provides the seed-stock genetics for the MT operations. BAF's annual female production sale is hosted at the on-property Sale Barn. This property is used as a breeding and sale preparation center that enables us to keep sale cattle at one location for ease of customer viewing.

Name: Flower Farm
Location: Bridgman, MI
BAF Property Since: 2024
Description: The Flower Farm is a 110 acre piece of property BAF owns to provide more pastureland for our MI cattle. This year we made the initial seeding of this property using a mix of multiple grasses and legumes to create a very sustainable high quality forage that should require minimal inputs. We developed this strategy with the help of MSU's Professor of Sustainable Agriculture Jason Roundtree.

Name: Galien Farms (aka Pony Farm)
Location: Galien, MI
BAF Rental Property Since: 2023
Description: The Pony Farm is a 93 acre property BAF leases to provide more pastureland for our MI cattle. This year using the expertise of Professor Roundtree we planted annuals into fields previously used for grain farming where a portion of the cow herd had been wintered. This will create a quality forage for pasturing through summer and fall along with adding organic matter back into the soil while maintaining the ability for use of the areas for wintering a portion of the fall calving cowherd.

Name: 3B Land & Livestock
Location: Wilsall, MT
BAF Property Since: 2011
Description: 3B is a 3,882 acre working cattle ranch in Wilsall, MT. It serves as the flagship western location for the commercial and registered Angus operation.

Name: Brumfield Land & Cattle
Location: Wilsall, MT
BAF Property Since: 2005
Description: Brumfield Land & Cattle is a 1,200 acre working cattle ranch in located at the foothills of the Crazy Mountain Range outside Wilsall, MT, This property produces alfalfa, oats, hay and barley, and provides pastureland for the cattle operation.